@thesis{thesis, author={TRISNAWATI SIANTURI .}, title ={GAMBARAN PERILAKU CYBERBULLYING PADA REMAJA AKHIR DI DKI JAKARTA}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.unj.ac.id/10291/}, abstract={Cyberbullying adalah intimidasi yang terjadi di dunia maya khususnya media sosial. Mayoritas pelaku cyberbullying adalah remaja yang dekat dengan kemajuan teknologi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif deskriptif, di mana penelitian dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai permasalahan dari berbagai sudut pandang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil sebanyak 132 responden dan dari hasil yang didapatkan mayoritas pelaku cyberbullying adalah perempuan (91,7%) berusia 19 tahun (47,7%) dan intensitas perilaku cyberbullying yang dilakukan masuk ke dalam kategori rendah. Pada dimensi verbal/written perpetration ditemukan sebanyak 36 partisipan berusia 19 tahun mencapai skor 10 di mana skor tersebut 2 poin lebih tinggi dari skor minimal keseluruhan item pada dimensi verbal/written perpetration. Pada dimensi visual/sexual perpetration ditemukan sebanyak 31 partisipan memiliki skor 5 yang merupakan skor terendah, akan tetapi pada remaja berusia 19 tahun ditemukan sebanyak 15 partisipan yang ternyata memiliki skor 10, di mana skor tersebut 5 poin lebih tinggi dari skor terendah dari keseluruhan poin dalam dimensi visual/sexual perpetration. Serta pada dimensi social exclution ditemukan bahwa mayoritas partisipan berskor terendah yaitu 4, akan tetapi ternyata pada hasil ditemukan juga beberapa partisipan yang mencapai skor 10 dan 11 yang merupakan remaja berusia 19 tahun, serta 1 partisipan dengan skor tertinggi, yaitu 13 yang berusia 20 tahun. Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs in cyberspace, especially social media. The majority of cybrbullying actors are adolescent who are close to technological advances. This research was conducted using descriptive quantitative methods, where research was carried out to get a picture of the problem from various points of view. The study was conducted by taking as many as 132 respondents and from the results obtained, the majority of cyberbullying actors were 19 years old (91.7%) women (47.7%) and the intensity of cyberbullying behavior that was carried out fell into the low category. In the verbal / written perpetration dimension, it was found that 36 participants aged 19 years achieved a score of 10 which is 2 points higher than the minimum score for all items on the verbal/written perpetration dimension. In the visual/sexual perpetration dimension, it was found that 31 participants had a score of 5, which is the lowest score, but in 19 years old adolescents, 15 participants were found to have a score of 10, which is 5 points higher than the lowest score of all points in the visual / sexual perpetration dimention. As well as in the social exclusion dimension, it was found that the majority of participants had the lowest score, namely 4, but in fact, it was found that several participants who achieved scores of 10 and 11 were adolescents aged 19 years, and 1 participant with the highest score, namely 13 who was 20 years old.} }