@thesis{thesis, author={MARUDUT LINGGA .}, title ={PENGARUH KELINCAHAN, KESEIMBANGAN DAN KOORDINASI MATA KAKI TERHADAP HASIL TENDANGAN MAWASHI-GERI JODAN PADA ATLET PUTRA/I USIA 8-13 TAHUN DOJO CENTER KARATE 2024}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.unj.ac.id/52274/}, abstract={Penelitian yang berjudul Pengaruh Metode Latihan Kelincahan, Keseimbangan Dan Koordinasi Mata Kaki Terhadap Hasil Tendangan Mawashi Geri Jodan Pada Atlet Dojo Center Karate memiliki latar belakang Kurangnya kelincahan keseimbangan dan koordinasi mata kaki terhadap hasil tendangan mawashi geri jodan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan 1) Menganalisis perbedaan pengaruh antara metode latihan Illinois agility dan hexagonal test terhadap hasil tendangan mawashi-geri jodan; 2) Menganalisis pengaruh antara Illinois agility dan latihan tdrill Terhadap Hasil Tendangan Mawashi Geri Jodan; 3) Menganalisis perbedaan pengaruh antara metode latihan latihan t-drill dan hexagonal test terhadap hasil tendangan mawashi-geri jodan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain factorial. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Analisis Varian (ANAVA) pada taraf signifikansi (?) 0,05, Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode latihan Illinois agility, t-drill dan hexagonal test. Kelentukan otot tungkai tinggi dan rendah sebagai variabel atribut dan variabel terikatnya yaitu tendangan mawashi geri jodan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan populasi sampel dengan jumlah 20 atlet karate. Hasil penelitian ini: (1)Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan kelincahan (X1) terhadap hasil tendangan mawashi geri jodan (Y). (2) Terdapat pengaruh keseimbangan (X2) terhadap tendangan mawashi geri jodan (Y). (3) Terdapat pengaruh koordinasi mata kaki (X3) terhadap keterampilan tendangan mawashi geri jodan (Y). (4) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan kelincahan (X1) terhadap koordinasi mata kaki (X3) (5) Terdapat pengaruh keseimbangan (X2) terhadap koordinasi mata kaki (X3) (6) Terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung kelincahan (X1) terhadap hasil tendangan mawashi geri jodan (Y) melalui koordinasi mata kaki (X3). (7)Terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung keseimbangan (X2) terhadap tendangan mawashi geri jodan (Y) melalui koordinasi mata kaki (X3). Saran: Pelatih olahraga dapat menggunakan metode latihan Illinois agility, t-drill, hexagonal test dan koordinasi mata kaki sebagai metode latihan yang baik untuk melatihan kecepatan tendangan mawashi-geri jodan dan bagi peneliti lain yang meneliti bagaimana cara melatih kecepatan tendangan hendaknya memberi model latihan yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci: Latihan Illinois agility, t-drill, hexagonal test, koordinasi mata kaki, tendangan mawashi-geri Jodan.***********************The research entitled The Influence of Agility, Balance and Ankle Coordination Training Methods on the Results of Mawashi Geri Jodan Kicks in Dojo Center Karate Athletes was brought up with the background of lack of balance agility and ankle coordination on the results of mawashi geri jodan kicks. This research is aimed to 1) Analyze the differences in the influence between the Illinois agility training method and the hexagonal test on the results of the Mawashi Geri Jodan kick; 2) Analyze the influence of Illinois agility and t-drill training on Mawashi Geri Jodan kick results; 3) Analyze the difference on the influence between the t-drill and hexagonal test training methods on the results of the Mawashi Geri Jodan kick. This research used an experimental method using a factorial design. The data analysis technique used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at a significance level (?) of 0.05. The independent variables in this research are the Illinois agility training method, t-drill, and hexagonal test. High and low leg muscle flexibility is an attribute variable, and the dependent variable is the Mawashi Geri Jodan kick. The sampling technique used a sample population of 20 karate athletes. The results of this research: (1) There is a significant influence of agility (X1) on the results of the Mawashi Geri Jodan kick (Y). (2) There is an influence of balance (X2) on the Mawashi Geri Jodan kick (Y). (3) There is an influence of ankle coordination (X3) on Mawashi Geri Jodan's kick skills (Y). (4) There is a significant influence of agility (X1) on ankle coordination (X3) (5) There is an influence of balance (X2) on ankle coordination (X3) (6) There is an indirect influence of agility (X1) on the results of the Mawashi Geri Jodan kick (Y) through ankle coordination (X3). (7) There is an indirect influence of balance (X2) on the Mawashi Geri Jodan kick (Y) through ankle coordination (X3). Suggestion: Sports trainers can use the Illinois agility, t-drill, hexagonal test, and ankle coordination training methods as a suitable training method for training Mawashi Geri Jodan kick speed, and for other researchers who examine how to train kick speed, they should provide a better training model. Keywords: Illinois agility training, t-drill, hexagonal test, ankle coordination, Mawashi Geri Jodan kick.} }