@thesis{thesis, author={ASMUL KHAIRI .}, title ={TEORI MOTIVASI MASLOW PADA PENJAGA MENARA SUAR: STUDI ETNOGRAFI PADA MANAJEMEN MENARA SUAR}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.unj.ac.id/9844/}, abstract={Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan implementasi kehidupan sehari-hari penjaga menara suar dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar manusia berdasarkan teori motivasi Maslow. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan studi etnografi dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi merujuk teori motivasi Maslow. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi bahan pertimbangan pimpinan dalam mengambil kebijakan yang akan datang. Implementasi teori motivasi maslow pada profesi penjaga menara suar wisata melalui pendekatan studi etnografi, dipenuhi dengan cara: Kebutuhan fisiologis dengan cara penyediaan kebutuhan yang tahan lama/awet dan terjadwal; Kebutuhan keamanan dengan cara menjalin dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan lingkungan sekitar; Kebutuhan memiliki dan kasih sayang untuk dicintai dan mencintai yaitu dengan melalui medsos dan mengatur waktu dengan sesama penjaga menara suar agar bisa berkumpul dengan keluarga/kerabat/relasi dalam kurun waktu tertentu; Kebutuhan penghargaan yaitu setiap tanggal 22 September diperingati sebagai hari penjaga menara suar; Kebutuhan aktualisasi diri dipenuhi dengan cara bercocok tanam, dan ibadah bahwa profesi penjaga menara suar bukan hanya mengisi hari-hari untuk mencari nafkah namun merupakan ladang amal ibadah karena membantu keselamatan pelayaran.Sehingga penjaga menara suar termotivasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan berikutnya. Namun untuk optimalisasi-nya diperlukan kerjasama semua pihak. Kata Kunci: Penjaga menara suar; Maslow; Studi etnografi. A lighthouse is an aid to support maritime safety that is guarded by human resources or the so-called lighthouse keepers, whose status of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) or nonASN. In doing their profession, the lighthouse keepers must serve at the lighthouse for 24 hours continuously, for a period of three months or even more than one year, before moving again to another lighthouse. The aim of this study is to identify and describe the implementation of the daily life of lighthouse keepers in meeting basic human needs according to Maslow's theory of motivation. The research was conducted using qualitative methods through an ethnographic study approach based on data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study are expected to be taken into consideration by the leaders in making future policies. The implementation of Maslow's theory of motivation on the tourism lighthouse keepers through an ethnographic study approach is met by: physiological needs by the provision of durable and scheduled primary needs; security needs by establishing and maintaining good relationships with the surrounding environment; belongingness and affection needs, namely to love and be loved, by communicating through social media and arranging time with fellow lighthouse keepers so that they can gather with family/relatives/relations within a certain period of time; esteem needs through the celebration of lighthouse keeper day on 22 September every year; selfactualization needs by means of farming and worship, as well as the belief that the profession of a lighthouse keeper is not merely to earn a living but also a way of religious purposes because it helps the safety of navigation at sea. Therefore, the lighthouse keepers are motivated to fulfill the next need, which is maintaining the reliability of the lighthouse. Keywords: Lighthouse keeper; Maslow; Ethnographic study.} }