@thesis{thesis, author={SAYUTI LARISSA}, title ={A TRANSLATION ANALYSIS OF ISLAMIC-SPECIFIC LEXICON IN EKA KURNIAWAN’S NOVEL “LELAKI HARIMAU” AND ITS ENGLISH VERSION “MAN TIGER”}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.unja.ac.id/11056/}, abstract={Abstract Larissa, S. 2020. A Translation Analysis of Islamic-Specific Lexicon in Eka Kurniawan?s Novel ?Lelaki Harimau? and its English Version ?Man Tiger?. English Department.Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Jambi University, Advisors: Delita Sartika, Ph.D, Armiwati, M.Hum This thesis is entitled A Translation Analysis of Islamic-Specific Lexicon in Eka Kurniawan?s Novel ?Lelaki Harimau? and its English Version ?Man Tiger?. This study is aimed to identify types of translation approaches and procedures of specific lexicon related to Islam and Islamic culture in the novels. Furthermore, the study looks at the source text and English translations in the target text how the approaches and procedures affect equivalence between Islamic words/phrases/expressions in the source text and the target text. This study was designed as a qualitative study. The data collected from the novels include words, phrases, and short expressions related to Islam and Islamic cultures found in the novels. The researcher listed and paired source text lexicon and their translation. These pairs were compared and analyzed to identify translation approaches and procedures applied by the translator. The researcher further analyzed how the meanings were transferred through the procedures. The findings demonstrated there were four procedures that created formal equivalence, i.e. transference, naturalization, synonymy, and through translation, and three procedures that created dynamic equivalence, i.e. descriptive equivalence & cultural equivalence, functional equivalence, and couplets and transposition. In general, procedures that obeyed dynamic equivalence are more successful in mediating the transfer of cultures in Islamic Indonesian lexicon into the target English readers. Keywords: Translation Approach, Translation Procedure, Literary Translation, Indonesian Culture} }