@thesis{thesis, author={Deva Belavia}, title ={THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CONFLICTS OF THE MAIN CHARACTER ON WATTPAD ENTITLED “100 VOICEMAILS” BY SARAH WAZIR}, year={0000}, url={http://repository.unja.ac.id/11401/}, abstract={Deva, Belavia Fitra. 2020. The Psychological Conflicts of the Main Character on Wattpad Entitled ?100 Voicemails? By Sarah Wazir. The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Jambi University. First Supervisor is Reni Heryanti, S.S., M.Hum and Second Supervisor is Dr. Reli Handayani, S.S., M.Pd This study is about the psychological conflicts occur on the main character in the wattpad ?100 Voicemails?. The main character in the short story of 100 Voicemails is Ari. She faces many conflicts with herself, boyfriend, family, and friends. The Objectives of the research are to investigate the types of psychological conflicts that occur on the main character and to investigate the types of conflict resolution occurs on the main character. The researcher used a psychological approach in literature for analyzing psychological conflict in the main character and used a qualitative descriptive method to investigate the types of psychological conflicts and conflict resolution on the main character. The result of this study shows that Ari has four types psychologically according to Kurt Lewin in Bruno (2002), as follows: approach-approach conflict, avoidance-avoidance conflict, double approach-avoidance conflict and approach-avoidance conflict that predominantly occurs in a short story 100 Voicemails. The result of the study also found three types of conflict resolution according to Thomas and Kilman (2008), namely: accommodation, compromise and the conflict resolution that Ari often gets is avoidance. Keywords: Psychology, voicemail, wattpad} }