@thesis{thesis, author={humaryanto humaryanto}, title ={THE REGULATION OF KLF4, CMYC, miR-302b, AURKA, Ascl2, Mdm2 AND NFKB GENE EXPRESSIONS IN LOW-, INTERMEDIATE-, HIGH GRADE SOFT TISSUE SARCOMAS AT FORMALIN FIXED PARAFFIN EMBEDDED (FFPE}, year={2016}, url={http://repository.unja.ac.id/12232/}, abstract={Soft Tissues Sarcomas (STS) account for 1-2% of all malignancies in adults and around 6% in children are a heterogeneous group of tumors with >70 different entities. The histology gradation of sarcoma is an important indicator to assess the aggressiveness and the prognosis for the risk of metastasis. The histological grade describes a molecular morphology translation process that illustrates the progression of tumor cells. Its mechanism and regulation still unclear. In this study, we investigated regulation of gene expression of KLF4, cMyc, miR-302b, Aurka, Ascl2, Mdm2 and NFKB at level of RNA from Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded of low grade, intermediate grade and high grade soft tissue sarcoma. The genes expression was examined using quantitative Real Time PCR (qRT-PCR) and we analyzed the relative gene expression using the 2-??Ct method. We identified 23 samples of STS cases in Jambi city, from 2007 till 2013 consist of 6 cases low grade, 9 cases intermediate grade and 8 cases high grade. Statistical tests were performed on groups identified by target genes with soft tissue sarcoma grade, to find discriminating each target genes expression. There were a significant difference averages of ?Ct KLF4, cMyc and Aurka expression at low-, intermediate- and high-grade STS (p=0.037/ANNOVA, p=0.025, p=0.039, both with Kruskall Wallis) and also a significant positive correlation between KLF4, cMyc, Aurka and Ascl2 expression with a difference grading of STS (p<0.05, Spearman). A relative quantification by normalized target gene relative to GAPDH as an internal gene, describes the changes in expression of target genes from high, intermediate and low grade STS. There is a relative change in mRNA genes expression of KLF4, c-Myc, Aurka and Ascl2 which is more high the histological grade more supressed the gene expression, and it is a contrary with miR302b. Our result suggests that KLF4, cMyc and Aurka gene expression has a potential prognostic/predictive value for soft tissue sarcoma. Keyword: soft tissue sarcoma ? grade- Aurka ? cMyc ? Ascl2- KLF4-miR302b-Mdm2- NFKB} }