@thesis{thesis, author={Yuliarti Ikke}, title ={VIABILITAS DAN VIGORITAS BENIH Stylosanthes guianensis (cv. Cook) YANG DISIMPAN PADA SUHU BERBEDA DAN DIRENDAM DALAM LARUTAN GIBERELIN}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.unja.ac.id/870/}, abstract={VIABILITY AND SEED VIGORITAS Stylosanthes guianensis (cv.Cook) STORED AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES AND SOAKED THE SOLUTION GIBBERELLIN Ikke Yuliarti, Under supervision of Dr. Rahmi Dianita, S. Pt., M.Sc1) dan Ir. Ubaidillah, M.P2) ABSTRACT Stylo is one of fodder crops which has high protein and minerals. Good quality of seed and it?s availability is needed in forage development. This study aimed to determine the effect of temperature and the amount of gibberellins (GA) on viability and vigoritas of Stylosanthes guianensis. This study used factorial (2x4) a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 replicates. The first factor was the temperature (room temperature storage and refrigerator temperature) and the second factor was the dosage of gibberellin (GA) (0, 100, 300 500 ppm). Variables observed was maxsimum growth potential, germination, vigor index, growth rate, leaf number and dry weight of plants. Data analysis used was analysis of variance. The different between mean were tested with Duncan Multiple Range Test and Orthogonal polynomial. The results showed that seed storage in refrigerator significantly (P<0,05) affected the germination and plant dry weigh. Meanwhile the dosage of giberellin significantly (P<0,05) affected the maximum growth potential of Stylosanthes seed. Keywords: Storage temperature, Giberelin, Viability and Vigoritas, Stylosanhes guianensis 1) Top Advisors 2) Companion Advisors} }