@thesis{thesis, author={Vitaloka Noviana Okta}, title ={Manajemen Keuangan Desa dalam Pengelolaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa (APB-DES) di Desa Taman Kecamatan Grujugan Kabupaten Bondowoso}, year={2016}, url={http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/106/}, abstract={The research has an aims to analiyze the financial management of the village in the managemen the Village Budget (APBDes) at the village of Taman Sub-District of Grujugan District of Bondowoso with the Village Allocation Fund (ADD) through some activities like the planning, implementating, administrating, reporting, and responsibility. The method that used in this researchis descriptive using qualitative approach. The data collection technique of the research are interview, observation, and analysis of document. The data analysis technique were done by collecting the data, reducing the data, data analysis process and interpreting the result. The result showed that the management the Village Budget in Taman Village had alrey showed the implementation of partisipative principal, transparent, accountable orderly and discipline budget. From the administration of the budget still need guidance from the official of local goverment.} }