@thesis{thesis, author={Ubaidillah Fariz}, title ={Hubungan Perilaku Caring Perawat dengan Tingkat Kecemasan pada Pasien Kemoterapi di Rumah Sakit Baladhika Husada Jember}, year={2016}, url={http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/903/}, abstract={Caring is giving attention or award to a man. Caring also means memberbantu to individuals or advocacy to individuals who are unable to meet their basic needs. The purpose of this study nurse caring behaviors determine the relationship with the anxiety levels of patients undergoing chemotherapy in hospital Baladhika Husada Jember. Method: Using cross sectional study design with a total population of 216 respondents in the last 6 months, samples taken 36 respondents obtained by using purposive sampling technique sampling. Collecting data using questionnaires CDI Watson and scale Hars. Result: The results of data analysis showed that respondents with optimal nurse caring behavior and 91.7 % of respondents who experienced mild anxiety level of 63.9 %. Statistical test results using Spearman Rank with ? = 0.05 p value 0.035 obtained, so it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between nurse caring behaviors with the anxiety levels of patients undergoing chemotherapy. The strength of the correlation can be seen through the r value is 0.352, which means the strength of the relationship between variables is enough. Discuss: This study was recommended to health professionals to improve the quality and quantity of health care services, especially nursing care in patients undergoing chemotherapy.} }