@thesis{thesis, author={Effendi Rinkaning Nurul Wati}, title ={Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan terhadap Persepsi Ibu Muda Tentang Tumbuh Kembang Bayi Usia 1-12 Bulan di Posyandu Plalangan Kalisat Jember}, year={2016}, url={http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/951/}, abstract={Health education about growth and development is needed to change the perception of the mother to stimulate the baby. Lack of health education in the mother influence the perception of mothers in stimulating the baby so the baby's development is less than optimal . This is supported by the data that 70 % of women are still not up to provide stimulation measures for the development of her baby. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of health education with the media booklet on the perception of young mothers about growth and development. The study design used is pre exsperiment. Type design uses one group pretest and posttest with number 38 population samples taken 34 respondents obtained by the sampling technique used purposive sampling. Collecting data using the research instrument with a Likert scale. The results of data analysis showed that respondents with an average value given health education perception before 46.62 and after being given health education average value 94.59. Statistical test results using paired t test with ? = 0.05 p value value 0,000 so it can be concluded that there media influence health education booklet on the perception of young mothers about growth and development in the village Plalangan Kalisat Jember. Suggested for health workers to provide information to the public and strategize about the growth and development of infants.} }