@thesis{thesis, author={Tri Firmanzah Aditya}, title ={Analisis pengaruh Ekuitas Merek dan E-servqual Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada JD.ID (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember Fakultas Ekonomi Prodi Manajemen Angkatan 2017).}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.unmuhjember.ac.id/9707/}, abstract={This study aims to test and analyze the influence of brand equity and e-servqual on purchasing decisions in JD.ID. This type of research is quantitatively descriptive. The population in this study was students of the Faculty of Economics Management Study Program who had transacted in JD.ID. Samples used as many as 72 respondents. Analysis tools use multiple linear regression. The results showed that brand equity and e-servqual influenced purchasing decisions JD.ID. Keywords: Brand Equity, E-Servqual and Purchase Decisions} }