@thesis{thesis, author={AKBAR ALI and ARDYA TAMA HANIF and NADLIROH KUNI}, title ={RANGKAIAN KELISTRIKAN PADA MESIN PEMBUAT SELAI NANAS KAPASITAS 2,5 KG NANAS/JAM}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.unpkediri.ac.id/10823/}, abstract={Pineapple fruit is a fruit that is quite widely used as processed food products, one of which is processed pineapple jam. Pineapple jam is one of the practical and durable food products consumed as a spread for bread or additional ingredients for cake. The mechanism for processing pineapple jam is still mostly done manually. Meanwhile, in a pineapple jam machine with a capacity of 2.5 kg of pineapple/hour, the process of peeling, washing, breaking, grating, and cooking has been carried out using a machine. The creation of a tool/machine is strongly influenced by the supporting components of the machine, one of which is the electrical circuit. There are some components of the electrical circuit for a pineapple jam-making machine with a capacity of 2.5 kg pineapple/hour: Mcb C6, Selector 220 Volt AC, Push Buttom 240 Volt AC, Adapter In 220 Volt Out 12 Volt DC, Pilot Lamp 220 Volt, and Emergency stop 240 Volt. These components are assembled using drawio according to their function. The application of electrical circuits in a pineapple jam-making machine with a capacity of 2.5 kg pineapples/hour functions asdesired, and can run step by step or semi-auto. The availability of an emergency button on this model's electrical circuit produces a level of security, which if in an emergency can be pressed to cut off all electric current.} }