@thesis{thesis, author={AJI MAHENDRA PUJI PERMANA and Fandini Pramesti Wahyu and KHOIRIYAH KHOIRIYAH}, title ={THE INFLUENCE OF USING BRAINSTORMING TECHNIQUE ON THE STUDENTS WRITING SKILL OF TEN GRADE AT SMAN 7 KOTA KEDIRI}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.unpkediri.ac.id/12064/}, abstract={Writing involves students' creativity in forming writing and paying attention to several signs (commas, slashes, quotation marks and periods) that combine words and letters to make sentences. Writing is specific capacities which help author put their supposed into words in meaningful form and mentally interact with the communication. It has purpose not only for media but also giving information. The problems can give bad affect to the students, don?t know the correct ways to make a text and delicate to express their ideas. It makes the students suppose that learning writing isn?t important and they aren?t interested in learning writing. They also get low vocabulary, bad written form and students are trying to restate from their vocabulary. Therefore, researcher decided to help clear the problem by applying the use of brainstorming technique in the process of writing. Then the problems of this research are (1)How is the students writing skill before using brainstorming technique at ten grade students of SMAN 7 Kota Kediri academic year 2022/2023? (2) How is the students writing skill after they are using brainstorming technique at tenth grade students of SMAN 7 Kota Kediri academic year 2022/2023? (3) Is there any effect of brainstorming technique in students writing skill at ten grade student of SMAN 7 Kota Kediri academic year 2022/2023? This research uses quantitative method especially uses pre-experimental design, also known as the one group pre-test one group post-test design. The subjects of this research is the first grade students at SMAN 7 Kota Kediri and the sample uses a class and consist of 32 students. The data analysis was done by test. The result of test was analyzed by using SPSS 23.0. The result that t-score was 10,578 at degree of freedom 31, t-table was 2,039 at the level of significance of 5%. It means that t-score (10,578) > t-table (2,039). Then the Ho was rejected and the Ha was accepted. Based on the result of t-test, it can be concluded that using brainstorming technique in student writing skill at first grade student of SMAN 7 Kota Kediri academic year 2022/2023. Finally, this research will be useful in the teaching writing. The research can be useful to the teachers, students and the readers.} }