@thesis{thesis, author={Ariartha Kenya and RIWAYATININGSIH RIKA and SUSANTI YUNIK}, title ={STUDY ON GENDER ANXIETY IN WRITING AT SMAN 2 KEDIRI}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.unpkediri.ac.id/12519/}, abstract={This research background came from researcher observation and experience during her teaching apprenticeship at SMAN 2 Kediri. Based on the observation, majority of students were lack of confidence in their writing skill. As a result, they depicted anxiety in their writing or known as writing anxiety. However, during observation, researcher found that male and female students had different factors that might greatly affect their confidence in their writing skill and triggered the writing anxiety they suffered. Therefore, this research had two objectives which are: 1) To find and investigate differences of writing anxiety between male and female students at SMAN 2 Kediri and 2) To find and investigate differences of factors affect students? writing anxiety between male and female students at SMAN 2 Kediri. This research is quantitative ex-post facto research. The subjects were eleventh grade male and female student with academic year 2021/2022 at SMAN 2 Kediri. The main instrument for this research is questionnaires adapted from SLWAI by Cheng (2004) and CSLWAI by Rezaei and Jafari (2014). The questionnaire applied Likert scale to represents students? answers. The data taken through Google Form and tabulated with SPSS 20.0 version to conclude the result. Based on the findings and tabulated data, this research found that male students suffered three types of writing anxiety and female students suffered two types of writing anxiety. However, the factors female students? writing anxiety are less than male students. Therefore, it could be concluded that male students had worse writing anxiety than female students. Therefore, researcher recommend teachers to develop teaching ? learning process that able to increase students? linguistic knowledge and facilitate students writing anxiety and further researchers to conduct qualitative or mixed method types of research to support and complete this research.} }