@thesis{thesis, author={KENCANAWATI DEWI and RIWAYATININGSIH RIKA and Saputri Inge Aprilia}, title ={DIFFERENCES IN THE LEARNING ABILITY OF MALE ANDFEMALE STUDENT IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVETEXT SKILLS AT SMAN 4 KEDIRI}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.unpkediri.ac.id/12709/}, abstract={This study aims to determine differences in the ability to write descriptive texts between male and female students describing places. From identification indicators, descriptions, paragraph organization, spelling, punctuation. This research was conducted using descriptive research. Then using a written test instrument consisting of thirteen male students and seventeen female students of class X-1 SMAN 4 Kediri. Researchers use quantitative data analysis in the form of numbers to provide value. The results showed that the writing skills of male and female students in describing places on the same indicator were superior to female students compared to male students. This is evidenced by the value of male students getting an average score of 43.0763 (44) while female students get an average score of 65.1765 (66). So that the difference in their abilities is significant, this is evident from the SPSS calculations from the independent t-test.} }