@thesis{thesis, author={Dewi Ruspita}, title ={DESCRIBING ENGLISH TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION ON AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT AT MAN 1 POSO}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.unsimar.ac.id/1105/}, abstract={This study aims to describe the teacher's perception of authentic assessment. The object of the research is 2 teachers English language, 1 Wakamad Curriculum ( Wakil Kepala Madrasah ) and 8 students of MAN 1 POSO. This research uses theory (Mueller, 2005 and Gulikers, 2006: 8) by describing 3 aspects of authentic assessment, namely the assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes by dividing the 3 aspects into 4. authentic types of assessment based on Kemendikbud (2013: 11- 16) namely performance appraisal, project appraisal of portfolio assessments and written assessments. This research is qualitative research that uses interview methods as a tool to collect data. The results of this study indicate that the perceptions of English teachers at MAN 1 POSO is different, in terms of understanding and application not yet fully in accordance with the actual authentic assessment.} }