@thesis{thesis, author={Lapedandi Melly}, title ={ANALYSIS OF FOURTH-SEMESTER STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM SINTUWU MAROSO UNIVERSITY}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.unsimar.ac.id/1239/}, abstract={The objectives of this research are to find out the fourth-semester students? difficulties and the factors of causing fourth-semester students? difficulties in writing descriptive text at English Language Education Study Program Sintuwu Maroso University. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this research are 20 students. The researcher uses test and interview to collect the data. The researcher analyzes the data by using scoring rubric of descriptive text. Based on the result of the research in the test, the researcher find out only 10 students had difficulties in writing descriptive text. 1 student got difficulties in content section, 3 students got difficulties in organization, 3 students got difficulties in grammar, 1 student got difficulties in vocabulary, and 3 students got difficulties in mechanics. Furthermore, from the result of the interview the researcher finds out the factors of causing the students difficulties in writing descriptive text. (1) Is students? interest in learning write; (2) is self-motivation and support from family; (3) the lack of mastery in grammar, vocabulary and lack of knowledge about descriptive text.} }