@thesis{thesis, author={Lapanu Magfirah D.}, title ={THE INFLUENCE OF THE THINK TALK WRITE (TTW) COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL TOWARDS SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS’ ACTIVENESS AT MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH AL-KHAIRAT AMPANA}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.unsimar.ac.id/866/}, abstract={This study aims to find out influence of the Think Talk Write cooperative learning Model towards seventh grade students? Activeness at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Khairat Ampana. This type of research is qualitative research. The research subject is seventh grade at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Khairat Ampana 2019/2020 Academic Year consists of 30 students. The instruments uses in this research are observation, checklist, and interview. Based on the results of the research, Think Talk Write cooperative learning model can influence students? activeness. It can be proven from visual activities, oral activities, listening activities,writing activities, motor activities, mental activities, and emotional activities. As a result, teaching using Think Talk Write, can make students more excited in doing topics of the lesson, share ideas to member of group and other groups. The students also dare to speak, write, taking notes, and make conclusion in manner individually what their think} }