@thesis{thesis, author={DHEANOUVANDRY Vanda}, title ={Address Terms in J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and The Cursed Child play-script (A Sociolinguistics Approach)}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.unsoed.ac.id/10720/}, abstract={This research is entitled ?Address Terms in J.K. Rowling?s Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Play-Script (A Sociolinguistics Approach)?. It focuses on analyzing the types of address terms and the social factors that affect the use of address terms in the Harry Potter and The Cursed Child play-script. This research used Wardaugh?s Theory (2015) of types of address terms and the social factors. Taking a descriptive qualitative method as the research design, this research aims 1) to find out the types of address terms that are used in J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Play-script. 2) to find out the social factors that affect the characters of J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and The Cursed Child in using certain types of address terms. After analyzing the data, the researcher found a total of 92 occurrences of address terms, which has passed a data reduction due to preventing redundant information. From 92 occurrences, First Name dominates with 25 occurrences or 27,17%. Furthermore, the least type of address term is the Last Name with only five occurrences or 5,43%. Each data of address term types can have one or more social factors. Thus, the number of social factors data exceeds the number of types of address terms data. The researcher noted 207 occurrences from nine social factors that affect the use of address terms in the play-script. From the total 207 occurrences, Rank of Other is the most dominant factor that influences address terms. With 32 data or 15,46%. Then, the least social factor is Race with only 4 data or 1,93%. First Name is the most frequently used address term in this research. It happens because the plot and theme of this play-script primarily are set at Hogwarts school where most conversations are done among classmates, teachers and students, and families. It can be shown from the number of social factors that influence it. Where Rank of Other (32 data or 15,46%), Family Relationship (31 data or 14,98%), and Degree of Intimacy (30 data or 14,49%) represent the three dominant factors that influence address terms in this play-script. This research can be used as the reference for those who are interested in analyzing address terms using the Sociolinguistic approach. For the same analysis, the researcher recommends other objects such as literary text, movie dialogue, talk show, vlog, etc. as objects of analysis. In addition, other researchers can use other theories than what has been done in this research such as address theory of Chaika, Tillit, etc. This study can be developed by other researchers interested in analyzing the use of address terms in English.} }