@thesis{thesis, author={DEWI Anissa Meilani}, title ={Jack's Dissociative Identity Disorder in Sergio G Sanchez's The Secret of Marrowbone Movie}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.unsoed.ac.id/10786/}, abstract={The research entitled ?Jack's Dissociative Identity Disorder in Sergio G. Sanchez's The Secret of Marrowbone Movie? aims to see how Dissociative Identity Disorder in Jack's character is depicted in The Secret of Marrowbone movie. The researcher used qualitative methods in analyzing data. The primary data is The Secret of Marrowbone movie by Sergio G. Sanchez. In addition, the researcher uses Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory to analyze the symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) in Jack's character and Joseph V Mascelliis' cinematographic theory as a supporting theory to analyze the scenes in the film The Secret of Marrowbone which show that Jack has Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The results of this study indicate that Jack's character has symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder, such as having two or more different personalities, the altered personalities repeatedly take control of the Jack?s behavior, and unable to recall his personal information. In this case, Jack has three personalities, namely Billy, Jane, and Sam. These personalities emerged due to trauma caused by the violence perpetrated by his father, Fairbairn, and trauma from the deaths of his siblings Billy, Jane and Sam. Jack can recover from Dissociative Identity Disorder after taking medication to a psychiatrist with Allie, his girlfriend.} }