@thesis{thesis, author={SALSABILA Raisa}, title ={The Impact of Internet Financial Reporting (IFR) Towards Corporate Values, Stock Prices, and Stock Return Infrastructure Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.unsoed.ac.id/11585/}, abstract={This research is causal-comparative research. While based on the type of data studied, this research belongs to the type of archive research. This study aims to measure whether ifr influences the company's value, stock value, and stock return. The population in this study is all infrastructure companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017-2019 number of 78-companies. While the samples in this study numbered 40 companies. Determination of samples using purposive sampling method. Based on the results of tests and discussions using descriptive tests, classic assumption tests, regression tests, on the influence of internet financial reporting (IFR) variables on the value of company, stock price, and stock return in the infrastructure sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2019, it was concluded, that internet financial reporting (IFR) has no significant effect on the variable value of company , stock price, and stock return. The first hypothesis (H1), second (H2), third (H3) the research is rejected. The implication in this research is, companies should maximize the internet such as the company's website optimally by providing financial and non-financial information. With IFR on the website, investors can see the value of the company. The higher the value of the company, the more able the company provides an important signal for potential investors. For potential investors, it would be nice to look at the various factors that affect the company in offering investments. One of them is the value of the company that is influenced by financial ratios such as profitability and solvency which results in the value of the company changing. Prospective investors, It is better if in investing activities not only consider companies that have implemented IFR. Because companies that have implemented shows that companies do not always have good governance and there is broad transparency for third parties voluntarily.} }