@thesis{thesis, author={BIRA Jane}, title ={Analyzing the Influence of Social Media on Consumer Purchase Intention Using Consumer Engagement and User Trust as Mediating Variables}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.unsoed.ac.id/1243/}, abstract={These days, young college students cannot imagine life without social media service. They access and browse social media sites every day to get information, find friends, enjoy entertainment, and express their opinion. Despitean extraordinary amount of time consumed on social media by young adults, therehave not been extensive researches and discussion of social media services and their impact on purchase intention. There fore, the study was intended to analyzethe influences of social media on consumer purchase intention and how it isaffected by the mediating role of consumer engagement and user trust on youngsocial media users studying in Jenderal Soedirman University Indonesia and in Solomon island national university in Solomon Island. The study sample consisted of a total of 156 young consumers between theage group of 18-24 years who use social media platforms and have an account inany of the social networks. Convenience sampling method was used to determinethe study group. Distribution of questionnaire techniques was used to collect datafor this study. And to test the model develop, researcher employed Structural Modeling Equation (SEM) using Amos 21 and SPSS21 software program. The study finding shows that social media creates a significantly impacton consumer purchase intention. Also consumer engagement and user trust acts asa partial mediator in how social network marketing impact on consumer purchase intention. Thus it can be drawn from the findings that marketers should respond tothe raising importance of social media sites because of their powerful influence onconsumer purchase intention. Further studies should consider focusing also onprice of internet on how it will influence use of social media.} }