@thesis{thesis, author={RAHMADHANI Dewi Lastari}, title ={The Effect of Land Transportation Sector Towards Economic Growth in Central Java Province}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.unsoed.ac.id/1244/}, abstract={The title oh this thesis is ?The Effect of Land Transportation Sector Towards Economic Growth in Central Java Province?. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of number of motor vehicles, numer of road lengths, capital and labor toward economic growth in Central Java Province from 19992017. This research uses quantitative descriptive method, through the library study. The data are provided by Badan Pusat Statistik Central Java Province. The type of data used is time series. Based on the result of research and data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis shows that: (1) number of motor vehicle has a positif and significant effect towards economic growth in Central Java Province, year 1999-2017, (2) the number of the road lengths has anegative and not significant effect towards economic growth in Central Java Province, year 19992017, (3) capitalhasanegativeandnotsignificanteffecttowardseconomicgrowthinCentralJavaProvince,year 1999-2017, (4) labor has positive and significant effect towards economic growth in Central Java Province, year 1999-2017. The implications from above conclusions in the future the government can provide improvements to community mobility services and for resources or transfer of material and production products such as trucks and the like to increase economic growth through the transportation sector. Central Java Provincial Government is expected to expand employment invarious sectors so that the suitability between job applicants and available jobs will not causeunemployment because with the increasing quality of labor, it will improve productivity of workersto produce output. Regional governments are expected to pay attention to the length of the roadand expansion so that it does not cause negative effects that can affect economic growth.} }