@thesis{thesis, author={ANDRI Gus}, title ={Ketahanan Dalam Efikasi Diri Usahawan: Studi Pada Pelaku usaha Etnis Minang di Propinsi Jawa Tengah}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.unsoed.ac.id/9470/}, abstract={ABSTRACT This study aims to examine and analyze the resilience psychological capital construct on individual performance, in this case the research conducted tests the construct novelty, namely resilience in entrepreneurial self-efficacy (R in ESE) which acts as an intervening variable in the relationship between social knowledge and employability skills on individual performance. new construct Resilience in ESE appears as a construct that is able to address the gaps that occurred in previous studies. The object of this research is the Minang ethnic community in centre java as nomads business actors, while the sampling technique uses purposive sampling through filling out questionnaires and data analysis techniques using the AMOS structural equation model (SEM AMOS) by testing the novelty construct by exploratory factor analysis. The empirical findings of this study show that there is a positive relationship between the variables of social knowledge, employability skills mediated by the construct of resilience in entrepreneurial self-efficacy on individual performance and all variables are declared valid and reliable. Keyword: resilience in entrepreneurial self efficacy, socil} }