@thesis{thesis, author={AMELIA and Mardianto Mardianto and Zailani Surya }, title ={PENGELOLAAN DANA DESA DI DESA MUARA PENIMBUNG ULU KECAMATAN INDRALAYA KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR TAHUN ANGGARAN 2018}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/10015/}, abstract={The giving obligation to current village, which manage the treasure, could be an activity which is need more attention sho the implementation would be straight to the target. But, the fact, it always happen that the management of the treasure could not be running well. therefore, disresearch is aimed to find out the treasure management on Muara Penimbung Ulu village sub-district Indralaya in Ogan Ilir district with qualitative method. The source of disresearch were the chieve, secretary, and the staff of village, the public service agency the village, and also the villagers it self. The result of disresearch shows that the management of the treasure, validated by planning and budgeting were good enough, it could be seen from the correct of the government had done proper planning eventhought the people had not fully involved yet in the planed which were planned certain price. Realization and administration of village government are not running well yet. It is seen from there are still many activities that are not implemented yet and the village exchequer who doesn?t understand how to make a responsibility report. were as village governments responsibility in providing reports to society and external not running well yet. It is seen from there is delay in making responsibility report because of the report made by third person. The conclusion implementation of the fund management in Muara Penimbung Ulu village not going well because still there are not implemented properly.} }