@thesis{thesis, author={Amruzi and MELLY and Yulius }, title ={ANALISIS NILAI TAMBAH DAN KEUNTUNGAN PENGOLAHAN IKAN SEPAT SEGAR MENJADI IKAN ASIN SEPAT (STUDI KASUS INDUSTRI IKAN ASIN SEPAT DI DESA ULAK KEMANG KECAMATAN PAMPANGAN)}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/10119/}, abstract={The purposes of this research were (1) To describe the process of salted Sepat fish processing (2) To calculate the profits obtained by salted fish industry in fresh fish into salted fish processing (3) To analyze the added value obtained by the salted fish industry in fresh fish into salted fish processing. This research was carried out in Ulak Kemang Village, Pampangan subistrict, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, in September 2018. The research method used in this study was case study method. Data used in this research were primary and secondary data. The research results showed that the processing of fresh sepat fish into salted fish consists of some steps, which was cleaning, innards cleaning, washing, salting, drying and packing. The profit obtained by the salted fish industry was Rp. 2.869.100,00 per once production process. Then for the R / C ratio result was 1.47, which means that the processing of fresh sepat fish into salted fish in Pak Bambang's industry shows that it was efficient or feasible to run. At the selling rate of 203,55 Kg and the price of Rp. 20.186,33, the entrepreneur reached a break even point. The added value obtained from processing 1 kg of fresh sepat fish into salted sepat fish was Rp 7.778,20 with the ratio of added value obtained was 43.58 percent.} }