@thesis{thesis, author={Abukosim and MUHAMAD and Yulia }, title ={AUDIT MANAJEMEN ATAS FUNGSI PEMASARAN PADA PT. POS INDONESIA (PERSERO) PALEMBANG}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/10157/}, abstract={Management audit is an appropriate tool for management to evaluate and assess the level of economizing, effectiveness, and efficiency on the company operations. The study was conducted in PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Paiembang which is one of the companies engaged in mail delivery services, packages, and types of services in the field of financial services. This study aims to identify and analyze the suitability of operational audits carried out by the company on the marketing function with the existing audit trials. The researchers provide advice and recommendations to the company for future improvement based on existing situation. The focus in this study is the stage of management audit on the marketing function with includes six components in the scope of marketing includes : marketing environment, marketing strategy, marketing organization, marketing systems, marketing productivity, and another marketing functions. Source of data in this study are primary data and secondary data obtained. The analysis technique used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis technique. Based on the result of study, researchers conclude that PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Palembang has been quite effective and efficient in carrying out marketing activities. but there are still some flaws found in the company's production activities such as there's no written structure of its organizations and work task on marketing department and does the promotion inactively.} }