@thesis{thesis, author={GALIH and Joni }, title ={ANALISIS INTEGRASI SISTEM TRANPORTASI UMUM DI KOTA PALEMBANG DENGAN PROGRAM MAKRO SIMULASI VISUM}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/10205/}, abstract={The operation of public transportation in city of Palembang such as Transmusi bus and Light Rail Transit (LRT) hasn?t operated optimally where there?re at least a number of public transport passengers. Solution to increasing the number of passengers is by integrating areas not yet served by Transmusi bus by developing alternative routes for the region. The analysis was done by creating a public transportation modeling with program macro simulation Visum. The survey results number of passengers at the LRT and Transmusi bus stops is still small which indicates that the operation isn?t optimal. It?s proven by number of passengers riding on LRT at Polresta station as much as 238 people/day and highest number of passengers rising at DJKA station, which is 729 people/day and number of Transmusi bus passengers at all stop points surveyed was only 5386 people/day. Analysis determination coefficient of existing model of public transportation obtained a result of 0.88 results so that model meets the model reliability to represent condition of public transport in Palembang. This study creates three alternative scenarios of the public transportation network. Results of the modeling obtained the best scenario is alternative scenario 3 by adding 6 new alternative routes for Transmusi buses that serve potential areas to increase number of public transport passengers. The percentage increase in number of LRT passengers is 42% from existing condition with number of passengers 8554 people/day and percentage increase in the number of Transmusi bus passengers by 70% from existing condition with 38,954 people/day.} }