@thesis{thesis, author={AZRHANI REVALNA MARDIKA and Budiastuti Anggun}, title ={HUBUNGAN LINGKUNGAN SOSIAL, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN KUALITAS UDARA DENGAN KEJADIAN PNEUMONIA PADA BALITADI KOTA PALEMBANG TAHUN 2017-2021}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/102408/}, abstract={Palembang has the highest rate of under-five pneumoniae in South Sumatra, which is influenced by the social environment, meteorological and air quality. A poor social environment can lead to low life expectancy and meteorology can affect the removal of pollutants that cause pneumoniae, NO2 and SO2 can affect lung function as they have effects on inflammatory and allergic responses. The purpose of this study was to determine the environmental risk factors associated with the incidence of under-five pneumoniae in Palembang City in 2017-2021. The samples used were all 18 sub-districts in Palembang for 5 years with a total of 90 samples. This study is a analytic quantitative research with a correlational study design and used secondary data obtained from Dinkes, BPS, BMKG and DLHK of Palembang. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate using Pearson correlation and multivariate using Multiple Linear Regression. The results had a significant relationship with the incidence of under-five pneumoniae were air temperature (p=0.040), rainfall (p=0.049), and SO2 (p=0.024), for the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) multivariate analysis 0.193 means that this regression model can explain 19.3% of the incidence pneumonia under five children for climatological. Suggestions to the Dinkes are to optimize monitoring and recap monthly data, interventions to prevent the transmission of pneumoniae, for BMKG advice to improve climatological monitoring activities and make policies on the use of gasoline to minimize global warming, suggestions to DLHK to optimize monitoring of emission tests for vehicles and industrial exhaust fumes for further research, it is recommended to carry out research in an observational and use primary data.} }