@thesis{thesis, author={Djuki and M. and WAHYU JAYA }, title ={DESAIN PIT PENAMBANGAN LIMESTONE DENGAN TARGET PRODUKSI 1.248.000 TON PADA IUP OPERASI PRODUKSI BATURAJA 2 DI PT. SEMEN BATURAJA (PERSERO) TBK, SUMATERA SELATAN}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/10258/}, abstract={PT. Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk is a company engaged in cement manufacturing. The company wants to increase the amount of limestone production by creating new pit in Pusar Village, East Baturaja District, South Sumatra, namely Baturaja pit 2. There needs to be a pit design so mining can be carried better. By processing borehole data, topography, and others that have been obtained into block models, pit designs can be made with the help of surpac 6.3 software. The method used to determine the total carbonate in the block model is inverse distance method. The pit design is made by the final total production of 1,248,000 tons in the first year. The production divided into four pit designs. The pit design was made using the trial and error method until the production target and the total carbonate was reached with a minimum total carbonate 79%. The production and total carbonate in each pit are reported in the form of a report on the block model with the pit constraint itself. The final result of the pit is the limestone tonnage of 1,392,137 tons with 79.4% of total carbonate and overburden production of 395,250 tons} }