@thesis{thesis, author={Agustien Melawaty and WIRANDA DINA AZIZAH}, title ={VISUALISASI KARAKTERISTIK SPASIAL LOKASI ASAL-TUJUAN PERJALANAN BERDASARKAN JENIS MODA YANG DIGUNAKAN DI KOTA PALEMBANG MENGGUNAKAN SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS (SIG)}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/103375/}, abstract={The tendency of people to use private vehicles compared to using public transportation can cause congestion in the city of Palembang. Therefore, it is necessary to visualize spatially in order to be able to know the selection of modes used to head to the location of origin and the availability of public transport infrastructure in the city of Palembang, so that public transport services can be improved in areas that use private transportation. The method used in this study is spatial analysis with visualization using the Geographic Information System (GIS), the application used is Arcgis 10.8. The visualized data is the number of trips from the area of origin and the first mode used in daily travel from the location of origin to the destination (first mile transport) and the availability of public transport infrastructure in the city of Palembang. The result of this research is to display an informative map of the distribution of the types of modes used on the location of origin of travel and a map of distribution the number of users of each type of mode as well as the availability of public transportation infrastructure in the city of Palembang. Analysis of map visualization based on the results of the survey of 4000 respondents on the study of the final report Study of evaluation of integration of network prasarana, service network and urban transport services Palembang In 2021, the most widely used mode is a personal motorcycle, which is as much as 50,7% of the total sample with the most users in the district of Sukarami. The most widely used public transportation is oplet which is as much as 1.6% with the largest number of users found in Seberang Ulu I. The distribution of public transportation users has not been spread across all areas, for example, LRT passengers are only in Kemuning. The impact of the availability of public transportation infrastructure on the use of public transit is also still low, based on the results of the survey there are several incidents that already exist infrastructure of transportation services in general but of the 4000 people in the sample that the survey did not have any respondents to its users.} }