@thesis{thesis, author={Haki Helmi and RISTANIAR RISTANIAR}, title ={ANALISIS PENGARUH CURAH HUJAN TERHADAP DEBIT PUNCAK DAN LIMPASAN PADA SUB DAS OGAN}, year={2013}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/103562/}, abstract={Plaque is a thin film on the surface of a tooth containing a variety of microorganisms. At cm early stage, plaque containing only microorganisms gram-positive facultative then will happen growth and maturalion of the plaque, so microorganisms turned into gram-negative facultative, gram-negative anaerobic and spirocheta. These microorganism will disturb the balance of the oral cavity its cause the occurrence of oral diseases. There are several control mechanisms of plaque that is by using material antiplaque as xylitol and probiotic that contained in the gum. The index of plaque is a way to appraise the accumulation ofplaque on the surface of a tooth. The purpose of research is to compare the difference of plaque index between chewing the xilitol gum with probiotic gum in children aged 9-11 years. The type of research is quasi experimental with pretest-posttest design with control group. A subject of study consisting of 60 children, divided into 3 groups. Respectively- each consisting of groups of chewing wax gum, chewing xylitol gum and those chewing probiotic gum. Examination before and after of plaque index based on Patient Hygiene Performance (PHP). Result analysis conducted by Anova test than continued by Post Hoct test by using SPSS 16 for Windows. Post Hoc test results indicate its value p>0.05 i t means HO was accepted, so it can be concluded that there is no difference of plaque index between chewing xylitol gum with probiotic gum in children aged 9-11 years.} }