@thesis{thesis, author={Haki Helmi and TAURINI PUTRI AYU}, title ={PERENCANAAN PENGELOLAAN AIR LIMBAH SISTEM SETEMPAT (ON-SITE) DENGAN SISTEM TANGKI SEPTIK BERSUSUN DENGAN FILTER PADA PERUMAHAN PT. PERTAMINA UP III PLAJU - PALEMBANG}, year={2013}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/103573/}, abstract={The impact of development advance in the urban area rapidly developed. Every people will produce the sewage in everyday especially domestic sewage (house hold sewage). The management of sewage by using on-site system often used to overcome the domestic sewage or house hold sewage. The aim of this study is to give a technology recommendation and stacked septic tank with filter in development of sewage processing for PT. Pertamina UP III Plaju - Palembang housing area. The stacked septic tank with filter is suitable for Palembang area which has human population not more than 300 people / hectare. The method of this study is by analyze each type of house size, number of house holder or room, and the total volume of sewage as the reference in divition of the colony for sewage management, where this colony will decided the dimension of stacked septic tank with filter for PT. Pertamina UP III Plaju - Palembang housing area. The literature study used for analyze the influetial aspects in sewage management with stacked septic tank with filter systemfor PT. Pertamina UP III Plaju - Palembang housing area. The non technical aspects that affect the management of sewage with stacked septic tank with filter are human population density aspect, clean watee suply, land condition, ground water condition, topography condition, constructed ability, and the society 's social economic condition.} }