@thesis{thesis, author={Heryana Nandang and NURHIKMAH KHADIJAH}, title ={GAYA BAHASA BERDASARKAN LANGSUNG TIDAKNYA MAKNA PADA NOVEL TIBA SEBELUM BERANGKAT KARYA FAISAL ODDANG DAN IMPLIKASINYA TERHADAP PELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/103691/}, abstract={The style of languages based on the direct or not the meaning of novel Arriving Before Departure by Faisal Oddang and its implications for learning Indonesian aims to describe (1) the style of languages based on direct or indirect meaning in the novel Arriving Before Departure by Faisal Oddang and (2) the implications for Indonesian language learning. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data were collected using literature study and documentation techniques. The data source is the novel Arriving Before Departure by Faisal Oddang. The data analysis technique used four steps, which are (1) data collection and reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) conclusion drawing. The results of this study, there are 17 rhetorical the style of languages, including (1) anastrophes 44 quotes, (2) apophasis 2 quotes, (3) apostrophes 3 quotes, (4) asyndeton 11 quotes, (5) polysyndeton 16 quotes, (6) chiasmus 6 quotes, (7) ellipsis 3 quotes, (8) euphemismus 5 quotes, (9) hysteron proteron 1 quote, (10) periphrasis 2 quotes, (11) prolepsis 47 quotes, (12) erotesis 66 quotes, (13) sylepsis and zeugma 141 and 3 quotes, (14) correction 6 quotes, (15) hyperbole 15 quotes, (16) paradox 4 quotes, and (17) oxymoron 5 quotes, and 9 figurative language styles, including (1) simile 78 quotes, (2) metaphor 39 quotes, (3) personification 12 quotes, (4) allusion 3 quotes, (5) metonymy 3 quotes, (6) anthonomasia 265 quotes, (7) hypalage 1 quote, (8) irony 4 quotes, cynicism 26 quotes, and sarcasm 54 quotes, and (9) satire 2 quotes. The results of this study have implications for high school Indonesian language learning grade XII with KD 3.9 regarding the content (intrinsic elements) and languages of novels. Keywords: Novel, style of language based on direct or indirect meaning, Gorys Keraf} }