@thesis{thesis, author={Hasan KN. Sofyan and MUTTAQIEN MUHAMMAD MIFTAH and Nashriana Nashriana}, title ={SANKSI DIYAT SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF PENYELESAIAN TINDAK PIDANA PEMBUNUHAN KARENA KEALPAAN}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/104486/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Fines (diyat penalty) are the main sanction for negligence crime in Islamic law. This penalty upholds the interests of the victim and his family as evidenced by the existence of deliberations by related parties to find the best solution, for both the perpetrator and the victim. Based on this, this study tries to discuss: (1) the concept of diyat as the main punishment for manslaughter in Islamic criminal law, (2) the probability of diyat being used as an alternative settlement of manslaughter in Indonesian criminal law, and (3) the urgency of diyat as the alternative settlement of manslaughter. The results of this study indicate that diyat is the principal punishment for manslaughter in Islamic law, whereas in Indonesian criminal law, diyat can only be used as an alternative to solving manslaughter using a restorative justice approach in the non-litigation realm. This is because the crime involves the loss of another person's life and is categorized as a serious crime. But in fact, diyat is very relevant to the philosophical, sociological, and juridical values of Indonesia that it is applicable in Indonesia. Keywords: Diyat penalty, Alternative settlements, Manslaughter.} }