@thesis{thesis, author={DINATA S. HAMONANGAN WIRA and Tanzil Gunawan}, title ={KAJIAN PENGARUH SUBSTITUSI SERBUK KACA SEBAGAI PENGGANTI PASIR DAN FLYASH SEBAGAI PENGGANTI SEMEN TERHADAP KUAT TEKAN BETON DAN KETAHANAN TERHADAP SULFAT}, year={2013}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/104668/}, abstract={Concrete usage in a particular location was also susceptible to Chemical attack and the environment. This can occur because the most important part of the cement in concrete is a material that is made up of Chemicals which allow it to react with the Chemical substances in the vicinity. Attack all compounds, sulfuric acid and this impacted badly on the concrete, the content of sulfate in the soil, ground water, sea water, industrial waste can result in damage to surrounding structures. Glass powders are the additives contain substances that can bind to accelerate the reaction with water and hardening of concrete. In this research will discuss influence the addition of the glass as a substitute for some sand and fly ash as a substitute for some cement in a concrete with ratio water cement 0.6 and the percentage of replacement sand by glass powder 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% as well as a percentage of the replacement of cement by fly ash 0%, 5% and 10% against a strong concrete and resilience against press sulfate that is printed in the shape of a cylinder with a diameter of 15 cm and a height o f 30 cm, then soaked with plain water and water containing sulfate, by age 7 the marinade, 21, and 28 days. Research, concrete water soaked ordinary and water containing sulphate having strong press highest on concrete substitutions 5 % powdered glass and 5 % fly ash with nilai 25,97 mpa marinade regular water and 24,81 mpa marinade water containing sulphate at age 28 days. Effect sulphate against concrete resulting in a decline strong press concrete, the smallest happens to concrete rate 15 % powder glass and 0 fly ash at age 28 days of -3,92 %. Inconclusive, though increase large percentage powdered glass in a concrete can be lowered strong press concrete, but influence sulphate not very significant to a decrease in strong press concrete.} }