@thesis{thesis, author={Barlian Ikbal and NOVITASARI MARIA CLARISA}, title ={PENGARUH MINAT BELAJAR DAN KEBIASAAN BELAJAR TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR IPS PESERTA DIDIK KELAS 8 SMP IPTEK AR-RIYADH PALEMBANG}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/104721/}, abstract={Learning interests and study habits have an important role to create good learning, this is related to the learning outcomes achieved. This study aims to find out: (1) The effect of interest in learning on social studies learning outcomes of grade 8 students of IPTEK Ar-Riyadh Junior High School Palembang. (2) The influence of study habits on social studies learning outcomes of grade 8 students of IPTEK Ar-Riyadh Junior High School Palembang. (3) The influence of learning interests and study habits on social studies learning outcomes of grade 8 students of IPTEK Ar-Riyadh Junior High School Palembang. This research used quantitative causal associative, data collection techniques: questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are questionnaire data analysis, data prerequisite tests and hypothesis tests. The result shows that the learning interest of grade 8 students on average was 75% categorized as sufficient and the learning habits of grade them on average were 73% categorized as sufficient and the learning outcomes of grade 8 students were categorized well with an average value of 79.3. The data normality test on the learning interest questionnaire was obtained x2count 6.0613 < x2table 11.0705 means the data is normally distributed, and the normality test of the study habit questionnaire obtained x2count 8.3215 < x2table 11.0705 means the data is normally distributed. A simple regression test of learning interest using the t test obtained a result of tcount 42.669 > ttable 2.045 Ha accepted Ho was rejected, and study habits using the t test obtained a result tcount 53.080 > ttable 2.045 Ha was accepted Ho was rejected. The double regression test with the f test obtained the results of fcount 5.3382 > ftable 3.34 Ha accepted Ho rejected which means that there is an influence of learning interest and study habits on the social studies learning outcomes of grade 8 students. It is expected to foster students interest in learning and learning habits especially in involvement and making schedules in the learning.} }