@thesis{thesis, author={ANNISA and Momon Sodik and Satria Jaya }, title ={PENGARUH PENGOLAHAN TANAH TERHADAP SIFAT FISIK TANAH DI LAHAN PASANG SURUT KECAMATAN TANJUNG LAGO KABUPATEN BANYUASIN SUMATERA SELATAN}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/11640/}, abstract={Tidal lowland was a potential land used as an alternative agricultural land. The point to success in utilization of tidal lowland was processing of soil. The wrong soil?s processing will be changed of physical land that affect to the soilconditions. This study was aimed to determine the effect of soil processing on physical properties and can determine the appropriate and efficient soil treatment tools. This research was conducted in Tidal lowand of Tanjung Lago Sub-district of Banyuasin District, South Sumatera from December 2017 until May 2018 and soil analysis was conducted at physics and soil conservation Laboratory, Faculty Agriculture Sriwijaya University, Indralaya. The point of observation on paddy field for way of soil processing with 2 wheel plow (Singkal) and on paddy field for soil processing with 4 wheel plow (Rotary) taking each 6 of sample points on every soil processing and 1 point for the way without soil processing. The results showed that soil texture at all observation points included in clay texture. In the result of the way the soil processing with 2 wheel plow (Singkal) has an influence on the value of Bulk Density, soil total porosity, and soil strangth. While on the result of the soil processing with 4 wheel plow (rotary) has an influence on the value of the Bulk Density, soil total porosity and soil permeability. Processing of soil used plow with more than one through very influenced on the physical and solid soil. The efficient used of tools for soil processing in power capacity there was at 4 wheel plow ( rotary).} }