@thesis{thesis, author={Arfan and Armina and RAHMAT }, title ={KUALITAS NUTRISI RANSUM RUMPUT GAJAH (Pennisetum purpureum) DAN INDIGOFERA (Indigofera sp) DENGAN ARAS YANG BERBEDA}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/11887/}, abstract={Maximum livestock productivity requires a balanced feed, to meet the nutritional needs of ruminants can be given a combination of elephant grass rations and legumes. The aims of this research was to study the quality of nutritional rations of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and Indigofera (Indigofera sp) with different levels. This research was conducted from February to April 2017 at Laboratory of Cage Experimental farm and Laboratory of animal Nutrition and Feed Farm of Livestock Study Program of Agricultural Faculty of Sriwijaya University. The method used was Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment is composed of 100% Elephant Grass (P0), 70% Elephant Grass and 30% Indigofera (P1), 80% Elephant Grass and 20% Indigofera (P2), 90% Elephant Grass and 10% Indigofera (P3). The observed variables were dry matter analysis, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, NDF, ADF, and lignin. The results showed that the value of Crude Protein and Neutral Detergrnt Fiber treatment is better whwn compared with the value of the control is on the value of Crude Protein (P1= 33,30 : P0= 10,34) and Neutral Detergent Fiber (P1= 63,68 : P0= 69,62).} }