@thesis{thesis, author={Ardiyan and Mardianto Mardianto and NUNUNG DWI PUTRI }, title ={IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PENGAWASAN NOTARIS OLEH MAJELIS PENGAWAS DAERAH DI KANTOR WILAYAH KEMENTERIAN HUKUM DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA PROVINSI SUMATERA SELATAN TAHUN 2017}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/12163/}, abstract={The research is entitled the implementation of the policy of notary superv1swn of Palembang city by the regional supervisory board at the regional qffice of the ministry of law and ham of southern sumatera province in 2017. The background of this research is the supervision given by the regional supervisory board, in this case the notary many who do not obey the rules especially in administrative matters and less intensive examination time because the examiner team has busy each of the various related elements. The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation process of the Palembang city notary supervision policy in the ministry qf law and human rights in 201 7. The theory used in this study is Brian W Hagwood dan Lewis A. Gunn. Step I consists of policy plans, implementation standards, implementation costs; Step II resources; Step Ill timetable, monitoring and supervision. This research is research with qualitative method by using data collecting technique in depth interview, observation and documentation study. Data analysis techniques in this study use data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that the implementation process of the city of Palembang notary supervision policy by the regional supervisory council in the 2017 South Sumatra Provincial law and human rights ministry, the regional supervisory council in carrying out its functions as a notary body in the city of Palembang has carried out several oversight mechanisms both directly and indirectly. In the process of notary supervision is also strongly influenced by factors supporting the duties and competence qf regional supervisory assemblies.} }