@thesis{thesis, author={Anggina and REZA and Yoppy }, title ={APLIKASI PENJUALAN MOBIL DI DIO MOBILINDO PRABUMULIH BERBASIS WEB}, year={2015}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/17801/}, abstract={Dio Mobilindo Prabumulih is a company engaged in sale of car services from various kind of brand new an used. All activities in Dio Mobilindo Prabumulih still done manually so frequent errors and obstacles. Therefore, there should be a special computerized application in order to overcome these problems. The purpose of this application is to create an automobile sales and inventory applications that can facilitate and assist in the processing of existing data in Dio Mobilindo Prabumulih. The application comes with a car so that when the transaction code admin just enter the code and the car is equipped with a home application where this application can be seen to the public. Methodology used in this report is the waterfall. The results obtained in this study is a program in the Mobile Sales Application Web-Based Dio Mobilindo Prabumulih.} }