@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={HUBUNGAN PERSEPSI BERISIKO DENGAN PEMANFAATAN TES HIV PADA LELAKI SEKS DENGAN LELAKI (LSL) DI INDONESIA (ANALISIS DATA STBP TAHUN 2015)}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/1782/}, abstract={Research Background: Men Sex with Men (MSM) are included in the key population of the spread of HIV. HIV testing is gateway for HIV / AIDS treatment. Positive test results make patient mental and physical conditions decline, which then affects the willingness of MSM to consult HIV testing services. The purpose of this study was to study the relationship of research to HIV in Men Sex with Men (MSM) in Indonesia. Method: This study uses a cross-sectional design in the form of secondary data from the IBBS in 2015. The method of sampling is RDS (Respondent Driven Sampling). The sample used amounted to 1,190 respondents according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Bivariate analysis was carried out by chi-square and multivariate tests using risk logistic multiple model regression tests. Results: The prevalence of risk perception was 69.3% and HIV testing was 72.4%. The results showed an association between perceived risk and the use of HIV testing. MSM who has a perception of HIV risk have a chance of 1.808 times higher to take an HIV test than MSM who have no perception of risk of HIV after being controlled by education, information exposure, and sexual orientation. (P-value = < 0,001; PRAdjusted = 1,808; 95% CI=1,334–2,450). Conclusion: Perception risks are linked with HIV testing. Thus, health workers need to conduct discussions and provide adequate information more often to at risk populations regarding HIV testing programs. For the government, it is recommended to make HIV testing as a standard of service in health facilities, according to epidemic status of each district / city, by considering the risk perceptions felt by risk groups so as to reduce HIV incidence in Indonesia. Keywords: Risk Perception, HIV Testing, STBP} }