@thesis{thesis, author={Adipati and AGUNG and Agus }, title ={PENGARUH PEMBERIAN KOMPOS AZOLLA DAN ARANG SEKAM TERHADAP KETERSEDIAAN K DAN PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN PADI (Oryza sativa L.) PADA TANAH RAWA LEBAK}, year={2017}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/17928/}, abstract={This study aims to examine the effect of Azolla compost and husk charcoal to availability of K and the growth of paddy (Oryza sativa L.) in non tidal swamp soil. This research was carried out in the shadow house of Agriculture Faculty, Soil Dept, Sriwijaya University. Analysis of soil K and plant K is done in the Lab of Chemistry, Biology and Soil Fertility and the Lab PT Binasawit Makmur, South Sumatera, Palembang. The implementation of research begins in December 2016 until March 2017. The method used in this research is a complete random design factorial consisting of two factors: The first factor is the dose of Azolla compost: A0 : 0 ton ha-1, A1 : 5 ton ha-1 (25 g 10 kg soil-1), A2 : 10 ton ha-1 (50 g 10 kg soil -1), and A3 : 15 ton ha-1 ( 75 g 10 kg soil -1). The second factor is the dose of husk charcoal: A0 : 0 ton ha-1, A1 : 5 ton ha-1 (25 g 10 kg soil- 1), A2 : 10 ton ha-1 (50 g 10 kg soil -1), and A3 : 15 ton ha-1 ( 75 g 10 kg soil -1). The results showed that giving 15 ton ha-1 of Azolla compost could increase the availability of K, the number of leaves, the number of maximum tillers, and the number of productive tillers of paddy in swamp soil. The giving 10 ton ha-1 of husk charcoal tends to increase the number of leaves, the number of maximum tillers, and the number of productive tillers. The treatment of 15 ton ha-1 Azolla compost and 10 ton ha-1 of husk charcoal combination tends to increase the availability of K, the number of leaves, and the number of productive tillers.} }