@thesis{thesis, author={Arfan and Armina and MISRALONA }, title ={PERBANDINGAN PROPORSI RUMPUT GAJAH DAN INDIGOFERA SP TERHADAP KECERNAAN BAHAN KERING, KONSENTRASI N-AMONIA, DAN KONSENTRASI TOTAL VFA SECARA IN VITRO}, year={2017}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/18837/}, abstract={Energy and protein balance is vital factor to achieve requirement of nutrient supply for cattle. The aim of this research was to study the effect of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and Indogofera Sp to dry matter digestibility, Nammonia and Total VFA concentration in vitro. This research was held from February to march 2017 at experimental farm and animal feed and nutrition laboratory of Animal Science Department, Agriculture Faculty, Sriwijaya University. Completely randomized experimental design with 4 ration treatments P0 (napier grass 100 %), P1 (napier grass 70 % + Indigofera sp 30 %), P2 (napier grass 80 % + Indigofera sp 20 %) and P3 (napier grass 90 % + Indigofera sp 10 %) were applied on this research, each treatments has 4 replications. Dry matter digestibility (%), N-ammonia and Total VFA concentration (mM) were observed as parameters. The result shows that proportion on ration of napier grass and Indigofera sp significantly affect N-ammonia and Total VFA parameters (P<0,05) on P2 treatment while no significant result on dry matter digestibility. Based on the result, it is suggested that to increase Indigofera sp Proportion in ration.} }