@thesis{thesis, author={Laihat and RIZKI AULIDINA and Umar }, title ={UPAYA MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK KELAS IV SDN 11 INDRALAYA PADA SUBTEMA KEUNIKAN DAERAH TEMPAT TINGGALKU MELALUI MODEL PAIRED STORY TELLING BERBANTUAN MEDIA AUDIOVISU}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/24872/}, abstract={The purpose of this study is to find out of the learning outcome improvement from the fourth grader of SDN 11 Indralaya with Paired Story Telling model aided by Audiovisual media, in theme of Keunikan Daerah Tempat Tinggalku. This study uses class study method in three cycles. Every cycle steps included planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data in this study are collected by test and observation. The subject of this study is students from class IVC of SDN 11 Indralaya, which consists of 12 female students and 14 male students, with 26 students in total. Based on the study and result, the students' learning outcome showed improvement in their exhaustiveness percentage. On Cycle I, with total 17 students scored 70 or more with 68% of the percentage. Whereas on Cycle II number of students that scored 70 or more increase in to 19 students with 76% of the percentage. By the other hand, on Cycle III the number also get increase to 23 students with 92% of the percentage. Through the class activity observation, learning activity and learning skill activity also showed improvement. On Cycle I, classical class activity percentage is 66,2% in adequate category, whereas on Cycle II the percentage is increase to 75,4% but still in adequate category. But on Cycle III, there is significant percentage improvement to 85,2% in active category. The observation result of students' learning skill activity on Cycle I in adequate category with 63,2% of the classical percentage. On Cycle II, it increase to 75,4% of classical percentage in adequate category, whereas on Cycle III the result become 86,9% of the classical percentage in active category.} }