@thesis{thesis, author={LASMI EVA and Nur }, title ={ANALISIS KOMPETENSI PEDAGOGIK DALAM PELAKSANAAN KONSELING KELOMPOK DENGAN PENDEKATAN REALITAS PADA GURU BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING DI INDRALAYA OGAN ILIR}, year={2022}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/67392/}, abstract={Competence is the ability possessed in mastery, knowledge, skills, and behavior to achieve professionalism. This study aims to determine the level of pedagogic competence in the implementation of group counseling with a reality approach to guidance and counseling teachers in Indralaya Ogan Ilir. This type of research uses a quantitative descriptive approach. Data acquisition was obtained through a pedagogical competency scale with 24 teachers as respondents. Data analysis is described in the form of percentages, where data acquisition is in the high (16.7%), medium (66.7%), and low (16.7%) categories. It can be concluded that the level of pedagogic competence in implementing group counseling with a reality approach to guidance and counseling teachers in Indralaya Ogan Ilir is in the medium category.} }