@thesis{thesis, author={Dedi and ZAZA YULIANTI }, title ={PENGEMBANGAN E-MODUL SEJARAH LOKAL MARGA DANAU BERBASIS PROJECT BASED LEARNING DI KELAS X SMA MERANTI PEDAMARAN OKI}, year={2022}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/74227/}, abstract={This research which is entitled "Development of E-Module on Local History of Marga Danau Based on Project Based Learning in Class X SMA Meranti Pedamaran OKI", has been conducted and applied in class X MIPA 2 SMA Meranti Pedamaran OKI. The study questions are how to develop a valid and effective e-module based on a project-based learning model for X grade on history subjects. The study aimed to develop a valid e-module based on a project-based learning model, as well as to see the effectiveness of its use in learning. The development model used in this study is the Rowntree model with Tessmer formative evaluation, which consists of planning, development, and evaluation. In seeing the feasibility of the e-module developed by the researcher, the validity test was carried out by three experts on material, media, and learning design (RPP). Based on the validity results obtained a score of 4.41 with a very valid category in the material aspect, 4.24 score with a very valid category in the media aspect, and 4 score with a valid category in the learning design (RPP) aspect. The effectiveness of the e-module can be seen from the students' pre-test and post-test scores which showed an increase of 44.6% with an n-gain of 0.69. Therefore, this proves that the e-module based on the project-based learning model of the local history of Marga Danau is valid and effective.} }