@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={UJI SIFAT MEKANIK HASIL PELEBURAN ALUMINIUM KALENG MINUMAN BEKAS DENGAN BAHAN BAKAR MINYAK PELUMAS BEKAS YANG DIPANASKAN SECARA TIDAK LANGSUNG DAN DIBERI PERLAKUKAN PANAS DENGAN DAPUR LISTRIK DAN TUNGKU KRUSIBEL}, year={2016}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/7699/}, abstract={This research was conducted to compare the mechanical properties of melting aluminum wasted baverage cans with wasted lubricating oil, either with non-heat treatment nor anealling heat treatment. Annealing heat treatment is done using two methods such as annealing use electrical furnace and anealling use heating cabin placed around crusibel furnace with temperature °C and holding time for 1 hour. The melting specimen is done chemical composition test to know the composition of that specimen. At hardness test, the value of BHN for specimen get anealling heat treatment in electrical furnace and heating cabin decreased into 21,2% and 31,67%. In addition there is also a decrease in the value of tensile test for σu decreased into 23.9% and 9.5% and for σf decreased into 16,34% and 5,17% but the value of tensile test increase in elongation into 1,3% and 1,467%. After that for specimen is done anealling in electrical furnace and heating cabin increasing the value of impact into 25,04% and 30,1%. The heat treatment of anealling is done for decreasing the residual stress after melting process to change the mechanical properties of that specimen.} }