@thesis{thesis, author={Muhammad and YEKA PUSPITA }, title ={ANALISIS KONDISI SOSIAL EKONOMI DAN KEBUTUHAN HIDUP LAYAK PETANI PADI RAWA LEBAK DI PULAU KEMARO KOTA PALEMBANG}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/9760/}, abstract={The purpose of this study were (1) to describe the social and economic condition at Pulau Kemaro Palembang City, (2) to analyze whether income from swamp rice farmers is able to meet decent living standars (KHL), and (3) to analyze the povertylevel of swamp rice farmers. The research was conducted at Pulau Kemaro Palembang City by survey method, with 44 farmers that was taken from 79 by random sampling. The data were processed by tabulation and explain descriptively analyzed by kuantitative and qualitative. The result showed that socio-economic conditions include education, employment and income majority of rice farmers graduated from elementary school (66,18 %), main work as a farmer (100%), and 90,91% have a side job. The average income of rice farmers in swamp rice farming was Rp. 5,608,685, - per year and non-farm income was Rp. 20,360,227, - per year. The average total income of rice farmers is Rp 26,541,639 per year. The income of the farmer's family was Rp. 2,712,420.30 per month and has not been able to meet the KHL standard of Pulau Kemaro Rp. 5,403,254.55 per family per month. Based on capita income of farmers with an average of Rp 653.519,70 and poverty line worth Rp 417. 828,00 per capita per month shows that 36% of farmers were below the poverty line level and 64% were above the poverty line level. Keyword: basic needs, income, poverty, rice farmers, social economic condition} }