@thesis{thesis, author={AHMAD and Awalia Hema and Sukarman Sukarman}, title ={GAMBARAN PERILAKU MENYIKAT GIGI PADA MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/9765/}, abstract={Background: Data showed that 95.1% of South Sumatera's population brush their teeth every day but only 15.9% brush their teeth with time and method correctly. Teenagers were said to be effective in increasing knowledge, one of which is college students. The purpose of this study was to determined the view of tooth brushing behavior in Sriwijaya University students. Method: A total of 700 active students in sriwijaya university were involved in this study. The research instrument was a questionnaire that was presented via Google Form. Data obtained from completed questionnaires were collected, processed, and analyzed and then presented in the frequency distribution table to determined the frequency of respondents' answers. Result: Frequency of tooth brushing and brushing time was mostly done 2 times a day (67.57%) in the morning at morning bathing (81.71%) and in the night before sleep (76.26%) with duration of 2-3 minutes (59.71%). The most widely used toothpaste was pepsodent (66.00%) with consideration of its function and content. Frequency of the tooth brushing method was mostly done on the anterior teeth of the labial surface with up and down movements (55.29%) and on the lingual surface with small circular movements (38.29%), on the posterior teeth of the buccal surface with circular movements ( 56.29%), on the lingual surface with a small circular movement (39.14%), and on the occlusal surface with front-back movement (71.43%). Conclusion: Tooth brushing behavior in Sriwijaya University students was quite good, that was the frequency of brushing teeth twice a day with duration 2-3 minutes using toothpaste and all surface of the teeth was mostly brush with correct method. But timeliness of brushing teeth in the morning still did not correct.} }